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Shyamsundar Parmar, Babita Sharma
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 2024-08-27
Being the science of life Ayurveda is associated with all the aspects of human life. The desire to live healthy…
Body constitution
Bushra Thazneem C. S, Ajitha K, Ananda Lakshmy K. N
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 2024-08-10
Personality pertains to the different patterns of behaviour, cognitive processes, and emotional responses that distinguish individuals. It is composed of…
Manasa prakriti
Jayashree Khendkar, Gopal M. Jadhav, Sampada Sant
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 2024-07-24
Ayurveda primarily focuses on preventive as well as promotional health. It believes in principles of Tri-dosha (three fundamental bio-energies as…
Shraddha Shelke, Babita Sharma
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 2024-07-24
Every person has a distinct psychosomatic temperament a combination of physical, psychological, and behavioral traits. Knowledge about Prakriti is a…
Body image
Savita Vangi
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 2024-07-21
Ovulation period is one of the most important phase which is a course of passing of menstrual period. Rutumati Lakshana’s…
Bhagyashri A. Chakole, Deepika Arun Chakole, Anita Choudhary
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 2024-07-10
Pama Kushta is explained in Ayurveda which is outcome of Pitta Dosha Dushti it has similarities with eczema. Eczema is…
Prathibha Girijakumari, Hemavathi Shivapura Krishnarajabhatt, Parvathy Unnikrishnan
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2024-07-09
The ancient system of medicine Ayurveda, classifies humans into three major phenotypes known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The descriptions…
Ramesh Kaswan, Mubarak Ali
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 2024-07-04
Ayurveda is a life science. The goal of Ayurveda is disease prevention and cure. Ayurveda's distinctive notion is called Prakriti.…
Saumya Srivastava, Rishabh Maurya, Shibu Das, Anubhav Shukla, Manish K. Pathak
Journal of Drug discovery and Health Sciences, 2024-06-21
About 2 to 3% of people worldwide suffer from the chronic autoimmune skin disease psoriasis. Globally, the prevalence of psoriasis…
Biologic therapy
Manisha Kadam, Rupaji Kadam, , Amit Bairagi
Introduction: Amongst various types of stress, examination related stress enters in human life since childhood. Examination stress is something to…
15th Sep 2022