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Amit Ray
Compassionate AI, 2024/11/15
In Ayurveda, Prakriti and Vikriti form the foundation for understanding an individual’s health and well-being. These two concepts offer insights…
Varsha Sumedhan, Sinimol Thekkekkoottumughath Peethambaran
Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, November 2024
Shri Chittattinkara N. Krishna Pillai Vaidyan was an Ayurvedic physician of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, who started his career in 1948,…
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024-9-30
This study is done to view Literature of Epigenetics in ayurveda point of view, as Epigenetics shows environment factors and…
Arya A. R, Ajitha K, Ananda Lakshmy K. N, Anjali Sivaram, Hakkeem Panthappulan, Pradeep K
Kerala Journal of Ayurveda, 2024-09-27
The novel Coronavirus outbreak was declared as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), the highest alarm level by…
Prakriti Pokhrel, Shree Rath, Ridhima Aggarwal, Syeda Taleha Shah, Leeda Ahmadi
Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 2024-09
Cijith Sreedhar, Akhilraj Ra, Anand Prayaga, Priya Augusthy, Dennis Joseph, Nithila Catherin, Karishma Silwal, Pradeep Mk Nair
Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 2024-08-31
Naturopathic medicine is a popular form of complementary and alternative medicine systems practiced worldwide. This study provides an overview of…
Complementary therapies
Shyamsundar Parmar, Babita Sharma
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 2024-08-27
Being the science of life Ayurveda is associated with all the aspects of human life. The desire to live healthy…
Body constitution
Bushra Thazneem C. S, Ajitha K, Ananda Lakshmy K. N
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, 2024-08-10
Personality pertains to the different patterns of behaviour, cognitive processes, and emotional responses that distinguish individuals. It is composed of…
Manasa prakriti
Sagar Therokar, Y. S. Aswathy, P. V. Anandaraman, Prasanth Dharmarajan
Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, July-August 2024
Avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head is a progressive degenerative disease caused by an interruption of blood supply to…
Purnendu Panda, Guru Charan Bhuyan, Meda Mrutyunjaya Rao, Babita Yadav, Bhagwan Sahai Sharma, Shruti Khanduri, Rakesh Kumar Rana, Narayanam Srikanth
Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, July-August 2024
BACKGROUND:  Vatarakta, also known as Adhayavata, is attributed to diverse etiological factors, such as imbalanced dietary practices, occupational factors, sedentary…
15th Sep 2022