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Timothy T. F. Yu, Paul T. P. Wong
Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024/11/21
Existential wellbeing (EWB) may be the most important type of wellbeing because, compared with other types of wellbeing, it may…
Debra Harris, Erich Baker, Jan Svacina, LesLee Funderburk
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 2024-01-01
Objectives: Evaluating evidence from peer-review literature for use in evidence-based design is often challenging for the design disciplines, requiring access…
Bonnie Leadbeater, Mattie Walker, François Bowen, Skye Barbic, Claire Crooks, Steve Mathias, Marlene Moretti, Paweena Sukhawathanakul, Debra Pepler, Kelly Angelius, Wendy Carr, Patricia Conrod, Ian Pike, Theresa Cummingham, Molly Stewart Lawlor, Patrick McGrath, Patricia Lingley-Pottie
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 2023-12
Post pandemic increases in mental illness and waitlists for mental health services highlight the urgent need to prevent and mitigate…
Marlana J. Kohn, Kelly A. Chadwick, Lesley E. Steinman
Prevention Science, 2023-4-10
COVID-19 disproportionally impacted the health and well-being of older adults—many of whom live with chronic conditions—due to their higher risk…
Desiree R Backman, Neal D Kohatsu, Andrew J Padovani, Crystie Dao, Dominique Ritley, Julia E Fleuret, Camlyn R McCracken
Health Education Journal, 02/2023
Objectives: To (1) determine the weight-reducing effect of the Koa Family Program (KFP), a communitybased, telewellness obesity intervention and (2)…
James H. Rimmer, Jereme Wilroy, Hui-Ju Young, Raven Young, Tanvee Sinha, Madison Currie, Carla Rigo Lima, Byron Lai
Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 2022-6-10
People with spinal cord injury (SCI) experience a plethora of health conditions that hinder their health and wellness. This qualitative…
James H. Rimmer, Jereme Wilroy, Pierre Galea, Amanda Jeter, Byron W. Lai
mHealth, 2022/04/20
Retrospective evaluation of a pilot eHealth/mHealth telewellness program for people with disabilities: Mindfulness, Exercise, and Nutrition To Optimize Resilience (MENTOR)
Tracy L. Mitzner, Elena T. Remillard, Kara T. Mumma
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022/1
Telehealth holds much potential for supporting older adults’ physical and social health. In particular, telewellness interventions to support the physical…
Annette M. Totten, Marian S. McDonagh, Jesse H. Wagner
With funding from the AHRQ Effective Health Care Program, the Pacific Northwest Evidence-based Practice Center produced two reports on telehealth:…
15th Sep 2022