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Kanchan Kararrwal, Krishan Kumar
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 2024-02-24
Ayurveda is the science of living. The main goals of Ayurveda are illness prevention and treatment. Prakriti is one of…
Ayurveda - the science of life, the 5 gunas, three doshas and how to apply ayurvedic wisdom in life
Sanjeev Rastogi, Francesco Chiappelli, Francesco Chiappelli
Following a preliminary acquaintance with Ayurvedic fundamentals and also to their possible scientific correlates, more comprehensive and conclusive studies are…
Daughter Cell
Arati Shastri, Dipali Sawant, Neel Parmar
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 2021-08-02
Aims: Healthcare and pharmaceutical research are incessantly reaching to new zeniths which is substantiated by the increasing numbers of diagnostic…
Devesh Rastogi, Shalini Gupta, Ranjana Rastogi, Rajiv Rastogi, Sanjeev Rastogi
Evidence-based practice in health care is about integrating individual clinical expertise and the best external evidence. Ancient Ayurvedic scriptures present…
Digestible Starch
Riya R. Kanherkar, Susan E. Stair, Naina Bhatia-Dey, Paul J. Mills, Deepak Chopra, Antonei B. Csoka
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017/02/21
Since time immemorial humans have utilized natural products and therapies for their healing properties. Even now, in the age of…
, Carl Camelia, , Sateesh Babu Arja, Kumar Ponnusamy, Nimra Deivassagayame,
International Journal of Integrative Medical Sciences, 2020-08-31
While the use of Traditional, Complimentary, and Integrative Medicine (TCIM) is substantial, it continues to exist at the periphery of…
José Augusto Chaves Guimarães, Suellen Oliveira Milani, Vera Dodebei, Hemalata Iyer
The world today is much more open to embracing ideas that come from an indigenous culture.Yoga has become quite popular…
Deepali Giri, Sonali Wairagade, Priti Desai, Abhilasha Agrawal, Roshan Kumar Jha
International Journal of Current Research and Review, 2020
Introduction: Stress is the major cause of many diseases. The list of diseases ranges from hypertension, diabetes to alcoholism. Ayurveda…