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Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2015-1-07
India has a population of 1.21 billion people and there is a high degree of socio-cultural, linguistic, and demographic heterogeneity.…
Ayurvedic medicine
Dhivya Karmegam, Muthuperumal Prakash, N. Karikalan, Bagavandas Mappillairajan
Dialogues in Health, 2022-12-01
Background Siddha Medicine system is one among the oldest traditional systems of medicines in India and has its entire literature…
Database management system
Saravanan V. Sathasivampillai, Pholtan R. S. Rajamanoharan, Michael Munday, Michael Heinrich
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2017-02-23
Introduction and background In recent decades diabetes mellitus has become a considerable health problem in countries like Sri Lanka and…
Alpha glucosidase inhibition assay
Bhavana Patel, Shubhangi B. Kamble, Hitesh A. Vyas, Mahesh K. Vyas, Rajkumar Chinthala
Ayu, 2018
An elevated total or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels or low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is defined as…
Republica Sridhar, Huwait Etimad, Peter Natesan Pushparaj, Gauthaman Kalamegam
Bioinformation, 2023-1-31
Oral Squamous cell Cancers (OSCC) is strongly associated with tobacco consumption. We here in present a case study of a…
N. Sabari Girija, B. Neethi, L. Sakthimanipriya, M. A. Sinekha, P. Shanmugapriya, R. Meenakumari
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2023-07-12
Cervical cancer is the most common cancer among women of childbearing age. Nandhi Mezhugu is a Siddha herbo-mineral drug widely…
Malarvizhi K, Vedha Hari B. N, Rajalakshmi P, Devaraj S, Ramyadevi Durai
RSC Medicinal Chemistry, 2023-06-22
Metallopharmaceuticals possess unique medicinal properties and have been used since ancient times. In spite of the inclusion of several metals…
E. Selvasankari, V. Manjari
Bioinformation, 2022
Addictive use of Alcohol has been a considerable health problem, not only having impact on individual and families, but creates…
Rajalakshmi Elumalai, Bhavani Shankara Bagepally, Manickam Ponnaiah, Tarun Bhatnagar, Suganya Barani, Poornima Kannan, Lakshmi Kantham, P. Sathiyarajeswaran, Sasikumar D
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, 2023
Introduction Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) had a multidimensional impact on human life. It affects the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) which…
P. Harini, Vishnu Priya Veeraraghavan, J. Selvaraj, R. Gayathri, S. Kavitha
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research, 2022-12
One of the traditional plants used in Siddha medicine is Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam. It is said to possess antiaging, life-strengthening,…
15th Sep 2022