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J. Douglas Coffin, Rammohan Rao, Diana I. Lurie, Sanjeev Rastogi
The term “personalized medicine” has acquired a new meaning in western medicine based on the relatively recent growth in health,…
Murtaza M. Junaid Farooque, Mohammed Aref, Mohammed Imran Khan and Shareque Mohammed
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016/04/16
Objective:To identify, and apply data mining technique in classification of human subjects according to ayurvedic principles of dosha prakruti. Method/Analysis:…
Mukesh Edavalath, Benil P. Bharathan
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 2021-04-01
Ayurveda has a holistic and person-centric approach towards health and disease, which in turn necessitates consideration of several factors in…
Ayurveda diagnosis
Supriya Bhalerao, Tejashree Deshpande, Urmila Thatte
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 12/2012
Background: Ayurveda, the Indian traditional system of medicine describes a unique concept “prakriti”, genetically determined, categorising the population into several…
Jyothy Kothanath Bhaskaran, Siddhali Pansi
Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine, 2017
Background: Assessment of Prakriti (individual constitution) is one among the basic principles and ten major steps of examination of patients…
Marc T. Edwards, David L. Streiner
EXPLORE, 2022-09-01
Introduction The Ayurvedic theory of Tri-Dosha offers a unique framework for understanding human differences in health and disease. The Doshas…
Shalini TV
Journal of Evolutionary Medicine, 2020
Prakriti (body –mind constitution of an individual) is a conventional, customized and unique the understanding of which is essential for…
Rakesh Kumar Chadda, Pallavi Rajhans
World Social Psychiatry, 9/1/2021
India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and has a rich cultural heritage. Ancient Indian scriptures (Vedas,…
Devika Kaur, Alex Hankey, Aarti Jagannathan, HR Nagendra
Several inventories have been designed to evaluate states of peoples’ doshas, fundamental concepts in Ayurveda. The state of doshas at…