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Hempstrol is one reliable and trusted Cannabidiol company for anyone looking to buy CBD oil online or offline. CBD oil…
VIJAYA is regarded as one of the most effective and valuable medicines in Ayurveda. It is also known as the…
N C Shah
Indian Journal of History of Science, 2015-03-04
Soma plant has been a mystery since a long time. A number of plants were proposed as Soma in the…
Sharda Bapat
j of ayurveda and hol med (JAHM), 2015-11-01
The plant Cannabis sativa was cultivated in India since ancient times. Atherveda and Ayurveda hail the plant as sacred and…
Rabinarayan Acharya, Kartar Dhiman, Anagha Ranade, Raghavendra Naik, Shashikant Prajapati, Sanjeev Lale
Journal of Drug research in Ayurvedic sciences, 2015-09-11
Vijaya, also commonly known as Bhanga and cannabis, a drug of herbal origin, has been used by the Ayurvedic physicians,…
Marijuana is gaining popularity as a recreational drug and medicinal substance. The possession and use of marijuana has historically been…
Cannabis oil India - HempCann owns the brand VEDI and is Manufacturer and Marketer of an excellent quality array of…
Ahmad K. Al-Khazaleh, Xian Zhou, Deep Jyoti Bhuyan, Gerald W. Münch, Elaf Adel Al-Dalabeeh, Kayla Jaye, Dennis Chang
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024-01-15
Cannabis, renowned for its historical medicinal use, harbours various bioactive compounds-cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. While major cannabinoids like delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)…
Anti-Inflammatory Agents
15th Sep 2022