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Rabinarayan Acharya, Kartar Dhiman, Anagha Ranade, Raghavendra Naik, Shashikant Prajapati, Sanjeev Lale
Journal of Drug research in Ayurvedic sciences, 2015-09-11
Vijaya, also commonly known as Bhanga and cannabis, a drug of herbal origin, has been used by the Ayurvedic physicians,…
Ahmad K. Al-Khazaleh, Xian Zhou, Deep Jyoti Bhuyan, Gerald W. Münch, Elaf Adel Al-Dalabeeh, Kayla Jaye, Dennis Chang
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2024-01-15
Cannabis, renowned for its historical medicinal use, harbours various bioactive compounds-cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. While major cannabinoids like delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)…
Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Stephen Ph Alexander
British Journal of Pain, 2020-05
The use of Cannabis-based preparations for medicinal use has waxed and waned in the multi-millennial history of human co-existence with…
Hidaya Aliouche
News-Medical.net, 2019-08-30T07:45:00.0000000-04:00
Hemp (Cannabis sativa) seed oil is instrumental in the oil, food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and fibers industries. Extraction of oil is…
East West College of the Healing Arts
CBD is a buzzword the modern massage industry. Indeed, as cannabis is legalized in more states, multiple trades are considering…
Manica Balant, Airy Gras, Mario Ruz, Joan Vallès, Daniel Vitales, Teresa Garnatje
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2021-10-28
Ethnopharmacological relevance Cannabis is one of the most versatile genera in terms of plant use and has been exploited by…
Manica Balant, Airy Gras, Francisco Gálvez, Teresa Garnatje, Joan Vallès, Daniel Vitales
Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, 2021-5-01
Cannabis is one of the most versatile genera in terms of plant uses and has been exploited by humans for…
Sharda Bapat
j of ayurveda and hol med (JAHM), 2015-11-01
The plant Cannabis sativa was cultivated in India since ancient times. Atherveda and Ayurveda hail the plant as sacred and…
Sukvinder K. Bhamra, Ankita Desai, Parmis Imani-Berendjestanki, Maeve Horgan
Cannabidiol (CBD) products, derived from hemp (Cannabis sativa) are becoming more popular as people seek alternative ways of managing their…
Kevin F. Boehnke, Christopher L. Wu, Daniel J. Clauw
Anesthesia & Analgesia, January 2024
Cannabis products (CPs) and cannabis-based medicines (CBMs) are becoming increasingly available and are commonly used for pain management. The growing…
15th Sep 2022